by Kris Brooker | Nov 23, 2018
Most of us are innocent of any meaningful contribution to our species. We participate by grinding the Great Wheel, but are barely conscious of how it turns. Or why it bothers to try. And yet each and very one of us shoulders the same burden. That we are willing to...
by Kris Brooker | Nov 23, 2018
Democracy has been bastardised by the very people it serves. A tribal rationale now takes the Republican cause down a Nationalist path. Led by a President whose mantra is, “Make America Great”. But as great as what, the man who says it? Wow, that would bring...
by Kris Brooker | Nov 14, 2018
Science has cheated us out of Wonder. It has circumvented Awe, and replaced miracles with complex algorithms our primate brains prefer to accept, rather than challenge. Our world is getting smaller. Each one of us unable to look much further than the Fairytale in...
by Kris Brooker | Nov 14, 2018
I don’t think we came blame DonaldJTrump for the chaos that has ensued from his Presidency. Trump, is just being Trump. He’s the same Trump that he’s always been. America knew who that man was before they elected him President. Accountability for the election lies...
by Kris Brooker | Nov 10, 2018
The problems in the world today stem disproportionately from the western industrial revolution. A quantum leap in technology that only served to advance a small community of the population; whose best use of this gift was to colonise those who lived beneath roofs made...
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