WolfSpawn by Kris Brooker
January 1945. Waffen-SS seal a secret laboratory below Auschwitz. A weapon to win a war that may take a hundred years to fight is driven away into darkness.
London, present day. Joe is a brilliant young scientist who understands the genome, but not the opposite sex. An impossible mystery involving both is about to reset his life.
Issy is pretty. She’s also a liar and a thief, and about to drag Joe on a journey of self-discovery.
To find a family Issy has never known they’ll walk headfirst into European Nationalism. Unwittingly falling into an ideological plot, that makes them fugitives from Interpol, and targets of a Nazi Cabal.
What links EU political elites to a pharmaceutical giant buying forgotten SS bunkers, and how does Hitler’s death camp connect to a post war Children’s Foundation?
They’re about to understand the parts they play in an eighty year old conspiracy, and the true legacy of World War Two.
Well this was a story I didn’t need to read lol. Eight decades in the making, bit hits right where it hurts. Spralling escapade with a ending that made me think hard about our own pandemic. Brill!
We must never forget Auschwitz or the war crimes the Nazis committed. But when you mix them with our modern day pandemic, and worse, with our vaccine crisis, you get a book that stands out.
Read reviews, read book, didn’t agree. It’s an ill advised story that will just make the vaccine debate worse. That said, Republicans in America will love it
The concept of nature vs. nurture is going on here. Add that to the contentiousness over vaccines, and this is a sizzler! It caused me to consider the wisdom of my own Covid shots.
WolfSpawn is a creative and ridiculously plausible plot. It jumps back and forth in time a bit but that doesn’t spoil things. Imaginative and dangerous tale considering..